박운영 부사장님 CU Korean Times와의 인터뷰 기사내용입니다. CU Korean Times는 미국 일리노이주의 Champaign지역의 재미동포, 미국인, 유학생 등 모든 이들을 위한 community newspaper입니다.
Korea's Exponent in Career Consultation: Woon Young Park
Q: Wasn't career consulting an unfamiliar career during that time in Korea?
A: You're right. There were no consultation firms. Because of that, I joined a headhunting company, which would know the future of the employment market the best. That company is Nterway. I worked there and helped workers find employment as a headhunter, and in 2003 I went through research and study at the University of Wisconsin and obtained the first Korean GCDF (Global Career Development Facilitator) certificate and then jumped straight into career consulting. I provided consulting for career paths for middle and high school students, job preparation for college, first job, job relocation, planning retirement for people in 40's-50's and did about 2,000 individual consultations, which is quite a lot. I was the vice-president so during the day I'd manage the company and supervise the staff, and used the evening and the holidays to do the consulting. Then I became pretty well known, and universities, government facilities and some of the media contacted me so I did quite a bit of lectures too. I got my GCDF instructor's certificate in 2008 and I'd say that through the last 10 years I worked as a career consultant continually.
Q: It's been said that the company Nterway is a relatively well known in the headhunting fields – why did you choose to study abroad for doctorate in your 40's?
A: I've thought many times that I wasn't prepared enough. Especially now that the Jobless Growth has fully materialized I felt my limits giving career improvement advice to workers in 40's - 50's. So I wanted to look for myself what it was like in the States, where the age discrimination isn't as bad in the job market. And I also wanted to learn something that's new and organizational. Another worry was whether I could keep competitive 10 or 20 years later. Without the self-improvement to produce new information, I wasn't confident about after the 60's, since I planned to work in the information industry for the rest of my career.
There were people that tried to stop me. I've even heard people ask if I was crazy. But my family accepted and understood me. My co-workers also knew my interests and supported me. Of course, my memory isn't as good now so studying for TOEFL and GRE was tough. (Laugh)
인터뷰 전문은 아래 '이미지'를 클릭하시면 팝업으로 보여집니다.
본 자료는 2010년 07월 11일 CU Korean Times에 보도 되었습니다.