Nterway Partners
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  • Nterway Partners
  • Nterway Partners
  • Nterway Partners
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:: Sales Manager ::
Company Introduction 외국계 유명 화장품 회사
Job Description Job Description

Manage shop to maximize brand extension
Adjust all major contracts with major customers
Do regular check-up, writes a report, and analyze it before and after a meeting with major customers
Maintain continuous contracts and provides appropriate sales service support
Show ability for sales program and sales service and ensures new/revised sales plan continue
Achieve annual/quarterly/monthly sales goal
Start and maintain cooperative network with major customers
Develop sales presentations (such as presentation of sales/marketing program or participation) and cooperates with a training team, a marketing team, and a PR team on a current/future program
Communicate effectively (conflict/sales contract/service etc.), analyze and adjusts rate of return in stores, shares ideas with GL on new sales work and reports on it.
Develop and nurture human resources
Managing and motivating the retail store teams to increase sales and ensure efficiency;
Analyze sales figures and forecasting future sales volumes to maximize profits
Use information technology to record sales figures, for data analysis and forward planning
Deal with staffing issues such as interviewing potential staff, conducting appraisals and performance reviews, as well as providing or organizing training and development;
Tour the sales floor regularly, talking to colleagues and customers, and identifying business opportunities or resolving possible issues;
Maintain awareness of market trends in the retail industry, understanding forthcoming customer initiatives and monitoring what local competitors are doing;
Deal with sales, as and when required;
Job Requirement Job Requirements
*럭스 뷰티쪽 세일즈 10년이상 경력자
A college-level education or equivalent
Preference of more than 10 years of experience in the related work
Team leader career
Robust analytics, prioritization, problem-solving skills
Excellent team play, interpersonal skills, and the ability to interact with everyone in the organization
Open-minded, active tendency to accept different opinions from different perspectives
Location 서울|서울 Degree Level 대졸이상
Career Level [부장급][차장급]
No. of Recruitment 1
Salary 협의
Required Document 이력서및 경력기술서
Others - 원서 마감후 1차(서류) 합격자에 한하여 개별연락
- 제출된 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.
- 해외여행에 결격 사유가 없는 자
- 이력서에 연락처, 희망연봉 게재
Contact/Inquiry 서혜숙 / 이사 02-6281- 5053 shs@nterway.com