Nterway Partners
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  • Nterway Partners
  • Nterway Partners
  • Nterway Partners
※ This position opening has been closed If you have any inquiry,
please contact the consultant directly for more information.
:: Asso. Compliance Director(선임부장) ::
Company Introduction 국내 유명 외국계 F&B 대기업
Job Description - Act as a primary source of advice on compliance matters.
- Manage various APAC/GHQ compliance projects.
- Develop and support programs designed to enhance "Tone from the Top" and ABI's
ethical behavior.
- Work closely with GHQ/Zone Compliance team and leaders from other functions,
including Finance, People, Legal, Supply, and Solutions to identify opportunities and
develop compliance programs to address country-specific compliance risks.
- Manage investigations ensuring implementation of global standards and follow-up the
implementation of recommended remedial measures.
- Implement compliance policies and deliver compliance trainings.
- Conduct regular risk assessment / periodic tests and reviews of the Dashboard items
- Review and approve third party due diligence, high risk payment transactions, and
conflict of interest issues.
Job Requirement - Lawyer or CPA preferred
- Minimum 3+ years of experience in the relevant field or industry
Location 서울 Degree Level 대졸이상
Career Level [부장급]
No. of Recruitment 1
Salary 협의
Required Document MS word file국영문 이력서
Others - 원서 마감후 1차(서류) 합격자에 한하여 개별연락
- 제출된 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.
- 해외여행에 결격 사유가 없는 자
- 이력서에 연락처, 희망연봉 게재
Contact/Inquiry 정화성 / 이사 02-6281- 5063 junghs@nterway.com