Nterway Partners
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  • Nterway Partners
  • Nterway Partners
  • Nterway Partners
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:: Inflow logistics Administrator ::
Company Introduction 해외 유명 럭셔리 브랜드사
Job Description 1.Import customs clearance
•Manage customs clearance schedule with daily communication with forwarders, Carriers and Customs broker to ensure timely declaration.
•Ensures the customs regulation complying with customs raw and monitor the restricted items (CITES, Wild animal Act, Plant Act. )

2.Export Customs clearance
•Preparation of shipping document (Invoice, packing list, Export license): Stock transfer to other subsidiaries, return for defective and repairable items as requested by other departments (Communication, Merchandising, After-sales team)
•Ensure the return procedure to comply with each destination customs regulation.
•Organize the vender for forwarder/ local trucking and manage the relevant monthly expense.
•Management of Credit status for inventory move-out

3.Quality assurance management
•Operate testing sample assortment once order confirmed
•Manage sample receipt status and dispatch it to testing agency
•Share the testing report with headquarter and take an action with relevant activity in inventory and labeling management

4.Inventory & Labelling Management
•Purchase operations of inventory record in Cegid system by ensuring adequate cost (Special consumption tax, stipulated cost in contract for vendors)
•Control manual stock movement by verifying the reasonable supporting document prepared by other department (Retail operation, Communication, Merchandising)
•Shortage and over-shipped stock reporting claims as required.
•Labelling data management for price and quality assurance ensuring corresponding regulation (예, 안전기준 준수, 안전확인 등)

5.Monthly Reporting
•Generate report for Claim, weekly Delivery status.
•Monthly purchase report: Comparison report Actual purchase and System discrepancy including general expenses, Special consumption tax etc.
Job Requirement •3-5 years of relevant experience in inventory costing and inflow logistics
•Preferably in Retail or fashion apparel industry
•English skill in both spoken and written.
•Proficiency in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
•Analysed/well organized reporting skill based on the purpose
•Self-starter, high motivation level.
•Service-mind attitude contributing to the flexible and efficient logistics flow, while interacting with other departments
•Good communication skills to collaborate efficiency with accounting team
Location 서울|서울 Degree Level 대졸이상
Career Level [협의]
No. of Recruitment 1
Salary 협의
Required Document 영문이력서_경력기술서(이력서내기재)/ 워드파일 형식
Others - 원서 마감후 1차(서류) 합격자에 한하여 개별연락
- 제출된 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.
- 해외여행에 결격 사유가 없는 자
- 이력서에 연락처, 희망연봉 게재
Contact/Inquiry 김지연 / 상무이사 02-6281- 5010 katk@nterway.com