※ This position opening has been closed If you have any inquiry, please contact the consultant directly for more information. |
:: 외국계유명보험사 - IFRS17 결산 담당(주임~대리급) :: | |
Company Introduction | 외국계 유명 보험사 |
Job Description | Job Description 소속 : 재무회계팀 1. IFRS17 그룹 결산 및 Reporting 시스템 (SAP, BI/BPC) 검증 (50%) - IFRS17 Group Reporting System User Acceptance Test 수행 및 검증 (IFRS17 New Code Block 검증, IFRS17결산 전표 검증) - IFRS17 Opening balance sheet산출 및 Migration 수행 - IFRS17 BI/BPC Methodology Specification & User Request 분석 (BI : Business Inteligence), BPC : Business Planning & Consolidation) - IFRS17 BI, BPC User Acceptance Test 수행 및 검증 2. IFRS17 결산 Data 맵핑 및 데이터 검증 (Expesse 외) (50%) - IFRS17 Actual Cash Flow EMS (ETL Mapping System) 검증 - IFRS17 Actual Cash Flow Data 검증 User Acceptance Test 수행 |
Job Requirement | Job Requirements Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance and similar major Over 3 years’ experience in accounting and relevant part Good understanding of financial reporting in Korean insurance industry or international life insurance experience Good verbal and written skills in English and Korean Qualified accounting certification holder preferred (KICPA, AICPA and qualified actuary) Experience on accounting software or data information processing preferred - 고용형태 : 정규직 |
Location | 서울|서울 | Degree Level | 대졸이상 |
Career Level | [대리급][사원급] | ||
No. of Recruitment | 1 | ||
Salary | 협의 | ||
Required Document | 경력기술서를 포함한 국문이력서 및 자소서 | ||
Others | - 원서 마감후 1차(서류) 합격자에 한하여 개별연락 - 제출된 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다. - 해외여행에 결격 사유가 없는 자 - 이력서에 연락처, 희망연봉 게재 |
Contact/Inquiry | 박수향 / 전무이사 02-6281- 5050 soohpark@nterway.com |