Nterway Partners
  • job openings
  • Nterway Partners
  • Nterway Partners
  • Nterway Partners
※ This position opening has been closed If you have any inquiry,
please contact the consultant directly for more information.
:: 면세점 Sales Channel Executive (과차장급) ::
Company Introduction 해외 유명 패션 브랜드 한국 전개 기업 [외국계]
Job Description 1. Travel Retail Development and Stores Management
Develop Travel Retail potential POS in airport and downtown in Korea and upgrade current POS with wider and better location through good relationship with TR buyers.

2. Travel Retail Business Planning
Sep up annual and monthly sales target through sales analysis and report sales performance weekly, monthly for responsible doors

3. Travel Retail Vendor Management
: Working with agency store operational management and ensure adequate staffing through recruitment, training, and development

4. Product Assortment Planning for Travel Retail
Plan product orders in detail including TR exclusive twice each year in liaise with product team, RMD team & vendor to lead sales target achieved and check the stock status of all stores frequently to make sure all of stock in reasonable level.

5. Business Review with APAC (HK)
: Report sales analysis to APAC (HK) monthly with qualitative comment and have a presentation for Business Review with HK quarterly
Job Requirement Qualification:
1. Around 10 years’ experience in Travel Retail or Retail industry including at least over 1 year in retail management experience.
2. Good relationship with current main Travel Retail operators

Skills :
1. Proficiency in written and spoken English and Korean
2. Strong presentation skill, retail part on particular
3. Good interpersonal communication skill and negotiation skill.

1. Excellence in excel, words & presentation
2. Good fashion style sense
3. Mature and be responsible
Location 서울 Degree Level 대졸이상
Career Level [차장급]
No. of Recruitment 1
Salary 업계최고대우
Required Document 국문/영문 이력서 및 자기소개서
Others - 원서 마감후 1차(서류) 합격자에 한하여 개별연락
- 해외여행에 결격 사유가 없는 자
- 이력서에 연락처, 희망연봉 게재
Contact/Inquiry 남정아 / 이사 02-6281- 5009 janam@nterway.com